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Owner FAQ

How do I transfer a property you manage to an LLC or Corporation?

For liability reasons, many landlords choose to hold their rental properties in LLCs or corporations. Whether this makes sense for you is something to discuss with us, your accountant, and your favorite real estate attorney. Generally, we recommend that if a property is owned fre...
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Can you loan me money for a repair?

If you need assistance paying for a repair bill, Revolution can probably help.Generally, we require clients to pay any repair bills within 30 days, and we deduct the cost of the repair from the rent income first. However, if you have a large repair bill that isn't cover...
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What happens after an eviction is filed against my tenant?

The eviction process can be confusing, but we'll try to make it as clear as possible in this article.While the eviction process in the markets where Revolution does business is generally pretty straightforward and relatively quick compared to other more anti-landlord states, ...
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I opted out of the Owner Benefits Package; can I opt back in now?

By default, Revolution offers a fantastic Owner Benefits Package (OBP) to all of our owner-clients. We think this package is a no-brainer, but some clients choose to opt out when they first sign up with us. That doesn't mean you can't change your mind, though!W...
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What are the Minimum Property Repairs Standards Before Listing?

Every property needs some rent-ready repairs between residents; here are the standards Revolution requiresIn order to comply with state habitability standards, as well as Revolution's own internal standards, every property must meet the following requirements prior to Revolut...
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How do I get a rental verification?

If you need a rental verification for a new landlord, mortgage company, etc., this is how to get it.Whether you're a former resident just wanting a copy of your rental verification for your own records, or a landlord or mortgage lender needing to verify a resident's rent...
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What is the Owner Benefit Package?

While many property management companies offer residents a Resident Benefits Package, Revolution is one of the few companies to also offer an Owner Benefits Package to our clients. By default, every property that Revolution manages is automatically enrolled in the Owner Benefits ...
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Can you appeal my property taxes for me?

If the county has charged you too much for property taxes, we can help!As property values increase, counties try to maximize their tax revenue by jacking up property taxes on your rental home. Sometimes they are fair with these assessments, but in many cases, counties try to mak...
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How do I interpret my monthly owner statement?

Need help navigating your monthly owner statement?The first thing to understand is the timing of when you receive your owner statement versus your owner draw. You should know that often times the owner statement you may be looking at is for the month previous to the month yo...
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How soon can I get my keys after the tenant moves out?

Revolution has several things that need to be done at the end of a lease, so here's how that process works before you can get keys.When a tenant moves out of a property, Revolution is required by both state law and the lease agreement to complete a full move-out inspection o...
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