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Tenant FAQ

I was billed twice for a utility bill by mistake; what should I do?

As you can imagine, when we're processing so many utility bills for all of our rental properties every month, occasionally a utility payment gets delayed in the mail, the utility company misapplies a payment to the wrong account, etc.. When that happens, we usually get a phone call from the utility company to make a payment by credit card to avoid disconnection of your utility. We always make that payment, because our first priority is making sure that the utilities do not get disconnected, as that can result in property damage in addition to hassles for you. Since both payments were made, both payments are charged to your account and you'll get invoices for both of them in Stripe.

However, when this happens, the utility company ends up crediting our original payment correctly, and we have now made two payments for the same utility bill. This will create a credit on the account for your property with the utility company, so we cannot refund you the original payment. Instead, your next month's utility bill will have the credit on it, which will reduce that invoice.

Please do not request that we refund a utility payment to you or void an invoice. When we process a payment to a utility company, we have to bill you for it and get reimbursed. But we will always make sure that both payments are credited to your account with the utility company so that you don't end up paying twice in the end.
